When you agree to therapy with Ben, he is providing you a psychological education session, which mainstream authorities may refer to as counselling, therapy, or a psychological intervention and treatment: and NDIS refers to these psychology education sessions, with a registered psychologist and registered provider as “Improved daily living” intervention

When bookings with Ben, he volunteers his time for these sessions, providing you or the participant you have asked for him to see, such as your child

Where a contribution is made by you, for psychology education sessions, the rates for your contribution paid are set out and defined at the time of booking: and A participant agreement form (online) must be completed at the time of the book, and your contribution deposit must be made at that time, to hold the booking for you

Contributions made to Psychological Wisdom, c/o Psychological Ventures Association, are made for the service the psychology consultant Ben has provided in service to the Private Association [PA] named Psychological Ventures™, and is made into the nominated bank account, at the time you book the session: and Psychological Ventures™ is a private association, and does not provide invoices for your tax purposes, a donation receipt can be provided to you at any time, for each session booking you have attended, should you request this in writing. Donation receipts will be available on your client portal after attending the first session, and these can be used by you to claim an applicable rebate refund from Medicare Australia, should you wish to this yourself

Psychological Wisdom™, and Ben: Bramston©, as the sole consultant, reserve the right to cancel and decline a booking, prior to the session date, and time, if the participant is considered inappropriate for the service, for any reasonable reason.