The concept of psychological wisdom involves embracing a journey of self-discovery. We go through a process that dismantles preconceived notions of your “identity” and how it defines you, once we remove the illusionary “conditioned self”, which is no longer needed, especially if it is causing you repeated emotional pain in your life. 

The integration of new beliefs and the dissolving of old (self) involves an intricate journey that delves into your inherent wisdom that forms the essence of your self-perception. This dynamic process of "unveiling" challenges you to examine yourself, to bring awareness to hidden aspects that may be hidden so that you may perceive with clarity and make change to how you want to be with others in the world.

I will encourage you to go deeper into your understanding of how your emotions or memories are driving the feeling of discontent, or why you repeating negative patterns in relationships, or perhaps you find it hard to motivate yourself or lack  purpose. I invite you to explore, transform, and embrace the potential of what you really want to create in your life.


Understanding What is a Personal Crisis

Change and personal growth is often initiated because of a crisis, which motivates us to self-discovery. The approach I take, regardless of the therapy used, is to understand the context of the crisis, which leads to identifying what is your unmet emotional need. Unmet needs cause conflicts between our belief; do I or do I not deserve to have my needs met by others. 

Self Discovery

Healing begins with Self-discovery and the decision to gain a deeper understanding of oneself already sets in motion the transformational journey. 

Our beliefs, values, strengths, weaknesses, desires, and motivations create our reality. Through self-reflection, introspection, and often seeking guidance from various sources, individuals uncover hidden or shadow aspects of their behaviours and emotions, and thought patterns that hold them captive to wishing for the life desired, but always inaccessible. 

This process of changing the inner world will align your actions with your newly realised authentic self, so as to live the purpose-driven life that fills your cup each day.


Who are you really? And why are these experiences unfolding in your life? 

Our journey begins by dissecting the narrative, by understanding the crisis, and your role within it.

We closely examine your behaviours and reactions to the situation and the people involved in the crisis or difficulty experienced.

We delve further into “the how” you may subconsciously be orchestrating situations that lead to distressing states (emotional breakdown) and how they can be extraordinary opportunities to heal your unresolved painful emotions (past-wounds).


The crisis in your life is not random. These situations often seem challenging and are actually opportunities for growth and transformation. 

By understanding that the crisis is a mirror of your wounds (buried emotional pain), you can use clarity to reshape your behaviours, responses and how others see you. 

Embracing your innate potential, you can step away from the resistance of holding onto your Old Self, and choose proactive thoughts, emotions and actions that align with your true Self. 

Conscious choices pave the way for conscious-living, a journey of self-empowerment.

Find out more


“Life is not happening to us, it is happening For Us; its unfolding for our growth, and our highest alignment to heart-connectivity”.

As a psychologist, I have dedicated myself to the use of of therapies such as dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and interpersonal psychodynamic therapy (IPT), treatments. I also have a growing and developing interest in Schema Therapy. 

However, my true passion lies in my integration of Eye-Movement Desensitization Therapy (EMDR) to address acute emotional traumas, which I refer to as "psychological wounds". 

I had worked for 5 years as a school psychologist, and I have had the privilege of working with children and youth aged 5-17 in both primary and secondary education settings. 

I am trained in diagnosing mental health disorders and conducting intellectual functioning testing. I have gained significant insights from assisting children and young people diagnosed with Autism and ADHD.

I feel honoured to connect with those who want to understand themselves deeper and embrace living in conscious awareness from their higher-self. Abraham Maslow called this, the Authentic Self, and self-actualisation.

Guiding people who are wish to open themselves to being more self-aware is incredibility fulfilling and rewarding. Assisting these brave individuals to align to their life’s purpose is truly inspiring.

“When you choose to follow your dreams, the Universe conspires to make them happen”

~The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho