Personalised Psychology Therapy

Personalised Psychology Therapy

People initially see me as a psychologist first, however the experience of therapy with me is an exploration of their own struggles, and how the struggle is connected to their current crisis. Personal therapy will involve a monumental task that will provide opportunities for seeing golden insights about your “nature” as you unconsciously choose to be when you ego-defences are more powerfully controlling your life.

PPT is a process in sessions where we look at your attachment style, your past experience of your family, and in the present the role you play in your life, for others. PPT will involve identifying a specific figure who hurt you, often unconsciously, yet sometimes deliberately. In PPT we used a memory retrieve technique to devel into that moment of hurt, and safely so as not to avoid what our little self (super-ego) often wants us to do, not feel. In a memory retrieve we heal the emotional wound, and with self-directed compassion that releases you from the past. This is a form of reprocessing therapy, but different to EMDR. 

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